Saturday 8 February 2014

Wave in a Bottle

Motion in the sea is called waves.  Wind not only produces currents, it creates waves; as wind blows across the smooth water surface, the friction or drag between the air and the water tends to stretch the surface, resulting in wrinkles.  Surface tension acts on these wrinkles to restore the smooth surface.  As waves form, the surface becomes rougher and it is easier for the wind to grip the roughened water surface and intensify the waves.


1 clear plastic or glass bottle with lid
clear tape
blue alcohol (if none, use blue food color)
cooking oil
colorful beads to represent sea creatures (optional)


1.  Fill the bottle with 3/4 blue alcohol
2.  Add the cooking oil up until an inch before the brim of the bottle
3.  Drop some beads
4.  Place the lid back.  Make sure it is tight
5.  Seal it with some clear tape
6.  Slowly tilt it side to side to form waves


Make a drawing of the waves in the bottle.  Indicate where the CREST and TROUGH are with an arrow.



Friday 7 February 2014

Burning Bits

When materials are burnt, new materials are made and these can be gases.

You need:

  • Tray of sand
  • Night light candle
  • Tongs
  • Box of matches
  • Safety goggles
  • Small of different materials (which will be provided by the teacher)
Here's how:

1. Put the candle at middle of the tray of sand
2. Light the candle, make sure you have your goggles on
3. Using tongs, burn each of the bit of materials your teacher gave you. Notice what the materials look like before burning, during burning and after burning. Do the materials burn with a flame? Do they give out light? What is left after burning?

Record Results:

Name of material

How does it look like before burning?

What happened during burning?

What is left after burning?
